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To access the PROGRAM GUIDE please CLICK HERE
Save Bulga Forest Interview CLICK HERE
Check out the video & ask yourself, who wouldn't want to join 2BOB's Youth Presenter team?
2BOB is listener supported. Become a 2BOB Supporter and be in the daily, weekly and every draw for fabulous prizes! CLICK HERE
Stay tuned for up and coming giveaways.
Kit yourself out in a 2bob Tee yewww!Grab yourself and all significant others, a 2bob tee at the studios of 2bob Radio on the corner of Wynter & Macquarie Streets Taree for the special pick up price of $15. We have various sizes for ladies, small to x-large,
and for men we have, small to xx-large. WHITE for all vintage 2bob eyes Logo GREEN PURPLE, RED, YELLOW, BLUE AND BLACK for Community Radio Logo. We also have a nice looking Black Truckers cap Drop in an see us during business hours Monday to Friday. For Midcoast Council Meetings click here
2BOB Radio has a Youth Radio hour from 4 - 5pm weekdays! These youth shows are not only aired on 2BOB but also rebroadcast by SYN Nation around the country. Check out this video showcasing some of our local youth talent and don't forget to go to the youth radio page to find out more about them and catch them on social media!
2Bob wishes to acknowledge funding from CBF for Ethnic Programs, Disability Programs, and Youth Programs